Single story home with 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 dining area, 1 kitchen and secondary 'closets'. Home "feel" varied from normal to"distressed" on occasions, especially in kitchen and main living room.
Urban legend-style stories have been told to residents regarding a double murder which was said to have occurred in the home at some point in the 90's where "the bodies were stuffed into the attic" then subsequently removed via the fire department through an attic window upon discovery. Our tireless searches for such stories related to this address were fruitless (and one would think such a story wouldn't be too hard to dig up!). Are we saying it didn't happen 100%? No. We have learned better than to go out on that limb, however, evidence suggests this is exactly what it sounds like: an urban legend. As for factual information, the home was built in May, 1916 and was part of a development project whose purpose was to provide housing for the booming railroad industry which was occurring less than 2 miles down the road.
During our search of crimes which have occurred at the residence over the past 98 years and names of former homeowners, we did discover more than 56 police files relating to this specific address dating back to the 1930's; everything from public intoxication, domestic disturbance and child abuse to shots fired and even two missing persons cases which popped up (which were preceded by multiple "well-being check" calls). *In all fairness, we have to highlight that the home is in an area of north Springfield which experiences a higher than average crime rate*. The case numbers for these cases got lost in the shuffle and a final outcome cannot be determined and it's important to point out that, statistically, with a very large percentage of missing person cases, the folks who were "missing" turn up alive and well somewhere else, but there was no follow-up info related to these two cases. During our historical search of the property, we were able to extract a few last names of past residents and it may be important to note (with evidence review below) that at the time of the two missing person cases, the last name of the residents was "Morrissey" (again, we're slaves to the info...when a home goes from owned to rented repeatedly, it's difficult to tell via records who is the owner and who is the renter).
Personal experiences:
While we were able to debunk a few of the claims such as: voices outside the home possibly being the result of the very heavy pedestrian traffic in the area all night long! The home was built in 1916, walls are very THIN and voices as far outside as 30 feet away can be clearly heard inside. We also noted amazing shadow play on all interior walls resulting from heavy traffic on the busy streets outside combined with thin sheets as window blinds; plus trees outside help exaggerate this effect. Our most important discovery was the very old switchbox on the exterior wall on the front of the home which was spilling dangerously high EMF levels into the front 2/3 of the home....more than 200x what is considered "normal", which could account for feelings of uneasiness, paranoia, emotional swings, skin tingles and muscle contractions (which may mimic "being touched") and, at these levels, adverse health issues. The home also had an unobstructed crawl space which could occupy animals (or people?) which may make noises which create an auditory effect of coming from inside the house.
All the " debunked" experiences aside we did document several personal experiences which we were unable to scientifically debunk.
The "feel" of the home varied from comfortable to extremely uncomfortable very quickly, noted by all 4 investigators (as client claimed). The kitchen area seemed to be the area of origination for most unexplained sounds. Tyler was in the in the kitchen alone performing EMF sweep and EVP (with other investigators in living room area) and heard a sudden clap, knock or bang which startled him resulting in his brief evacuation from the kitchen. Other 3 investigators in living room were asking for a knocking sound and audio seems to
show that the response knocks originated in the kitchen area, which startled Ty. The audio of this knocking sound and Ty's response can be heard HERE. (warning: language, we don't bleep audio for profanity).
During EVP questioning in the main living area, Chris felt his upper left arm get touched while sitting on couch. At exact same time, Ty, who was sitting in recliner in same room, said "I just saw the pillow by your arm move right before you said that". It’s important to note that the extremely high EMF levels could account for this phenomena.
During breaks outside in the driveway area, multiple investigators stated seeing the sheets which cover windows moving. These
instances aren't presented or categorized as paranormal due to the possibility of AC vents causing sheets to move. We were unable to debunk this, but didn't feel it was strong enough to consider "above the normal" given the fluctuations in airflow through the home due to various doors being opened.
Late in the evening, with all 4 investigators sitting at dining room table, the chair of one of the investigators was shook/kicked twice. We discovered soon thereafter that the flashlight which had been left in the kitchen area facing one of our cameras (with instruction to be turned on) was facing a totally opposite wall in the "on" position and (very frustrating) the camera facing that area had been turned off.
The camera facing the kitchen area was consistently turned into off position 3 times.
During questioning with EMF detector (in dining room area, outside area of high EMF zone), entity was able to answer questions by
providing one beep or two beeps on our detector. We asked for one beep if entity was female, two for male and immediately got one beep response. We then asked for entity to make the device beep twice then to back away and immediately got two beeps. Then, we asked for the entity to beep once if they want us to leave and got one beep; finally we asked for the entity to move close enough to make the meter beep consistently and within seconds, the EMF detector beeped like a metronome for >45 seconds, then stopped.
When Ty and Chris entered kitchen area for EVP session (with other investigators in living room), maroon water container suddenly fell onto floor from unknown location. This event occurred during an initial EMF sweep prior to audio recorders being set up, unfortunately. The pic of the water bottle's final resting location (4 feet from its original resting place) can be seen below.
Photographic anomaly was captured in the kitchen area during initial EMF sweep and video cam/recorder placement. This photo cannot be classified as paranormal, but remains simply, an anomaly. Ally groups who have reviewed this photo say there is possibly a figure outline in the middle of the picture, but we will leave the interpretation of this photograph up to you.
photo #2 of 3
photo #3 of 3
While all 4 investigators took a break outside (with recorders/video still rolling), a very strange voice was captured on the HD video cam which was pointed toward the kitchen. No video anomalies occurred during this time and the video/audio can be found at this youtube link. The voice comes in at 2:27 on the video
EVP #1 - During EVP in main living room (this recorder was in back bedroom near kitchen), Chris says “if there’s a little girl here, can we hearyou knock?”. Several seconds later, 3 distinct knocks can be heard near the recorder
EVP #2 - With the audio captured on the video above, we have ruled out motorcycles or exterior noise by syncing the audio recorder which was rolling on the arm of the couch in the living room at the same time.
EVP #3 - Later in the evening, during EVP questioning, Dustin asks “can you tell us your name?” to which we recorded a response that clearly says “Sarah ______”. There is a last name or
another word said after “Sarah”. One could argue it says “Morrissey”.
EVP #4 - With all 4 investigators sitting at the dining room table discussing various activity, Chris feels the floor shake or vibrate behind him as though someone stepped heavily on the floor behind his chair, his response can be heard
EVP #5 - Minutes later, while again discussing personal experiences, Chris’s chair gets audibly kicked, to which the other investigators respond.
EVP #6 - Again, only minutes after this, while still discussing experiences, Chris’s chair gets audibly kicked once again, which was heard by investigators also sitting at the table.
Evidence indicates presence of at least one female entity. There was no evidence of non-human presence and no indication that the entity intends to do harm, at least, not during our time in the home. Our impression was that it was seeking attention and the desire to be noticed/acknowledged. We requested that the entity live in the home in silence and in peace with the family and that it cease from scaring them, but cannot guarantee resolution of paranormal activity as we only document activity during our time in the home.
Paranormal claims
The homeowners have complained of voices, personal oppression, being touched, seeing figures/shadows, and the feeling of being overtaken by thoughts or visions which were not their own. Similar to claims from first investigation 6 years ago but much more aggressive now.
Personal experiences:
This investigation is our second visit to this home in Springfield and the above history of the home/site was compiled during our first investigation and included in this synopsis. During our investigation, we experienced multiple personal experiences which were not captured by our recording equipment. The first occurred in the master bedroom. Chris and John were conducting an EVP session in the bedroom and the bed suddenly shook aggressively as though a large person jumped on it then it just stopped. At the same time a picture which was setting on a table near the bed fell over due to the weight of whatever disturbed the bed. As we left the room then looked back inside we noticed the ceiling fan was spinning while still in the off position (it was not running when we entered the room). By the time we got a camera trained on the area, the fan had stopped.
Many times during the investigation, we would see a shadow move across the wall and by the time we got a camera in position it was gone. We also experienced a phenomenon we've never encountered; visible EMF “waves”. When our camera were focused on certain areas, we could see what looked like heat or gasoline “waves” disturbing the visual. We could see these on the walls.
We heard more movement/”rattling around”-style recordings on this investigation than we've ever recorded. More than we could even include individually as evidence pieces. At least 19 times when we would ask the “entity” or presence to make a sound, we would hear movement in an adjacent area. And all of these instances were debunked, there was no reason for the movements of objects which we recorded.
EVP #1 - captured in the living room just outside the master bedroom. Right after the motorcycle when Chris says (jokingly) “there it was, let's go”, you can hear a female voice say “her name is Amy” which is the name of the female homeowner w
Given the fact that this home has been on our radar for 6+ years, it's considered a priority. And the homeowners continue to experience beyond just “paranormal activity” but have both (referring to the adults in the home) experienced bouts of personal oppression and experiencing thoughts which weren't their own. It is the homeowners opinion that no evidence of non-human entities was recorded during this investigation because the aggressive spirit was with them when they were away from the home during our investigation. Given the experiences both adults in the home have experienced, this is a possibility. We have assigned this case (at the request of the residents of the home) to our spiritual cleansers/demonologists. Our group continues to maintain a position of non-denomination religiously, but are open to all religious backgrounds/practices and feel like a cleansing of the home and the adult homeowners would be beneficial. We consider this case still open pending approval of the cleansers at St. Michael's and will attach their conclusion(s) to this case upon completion.