As promised we returned to this home in Springfield, Missouri and invited the primary homeowner to stay with us the first couple of hours to help get the activity jumpstarted and we weren't disappointed in the results. To date, this home on this night yielded the most EVP's we have ever collected in a single night. After a couple hours, the homeowner left and we had the place to ourselves which is how we usually perform our investigations
It's not common that we have compelling video evidence to present, but this time we certainly do! In the video below, no one was inside the home, yet a large shadow appears on the "bluish" wall then retreats. You can see the video on our YouTube channel below..
video is below
EVP #1 - During initial setup, with the homeowner present, Chris says "I'd like to turn the lights off and start" beginning at :09 through :11 you can hear an unintelligible whisper
EVP #2 - This audio piece was captured on a video camera, at 1:34 you can hear what sounds like a yell or shout which was not heard at the time by the investigators on site
EVP #3 - Investigators were on the stairs/landing and a conversation was heard (which is one of the homeowner's claims). At :06 you can hear the conversation begin then at :11 you'll hear one of the voices say "who's that?" followed by a conversation with a second unknown voice.
EVP #4 - John was talking with homeowner about claims while other investigators were setting up equipment, at :17 you can hear yet another finger snap and at :27/:28 what sounds like a screeching sound somewhere in the home which no one heard.
EVP #5 - Chris and Dustin heard walking directly above them on the ceiling. The area above is an tiny attic space which we never entered and the other 2 investigators in the home were sitting on the stairs which led to the bedrooms. You can hear the creaking sounds beginning at :05
EVP #6 - Investigators smelled a sulphur smell that was moving through the home. At :17 after Chris says "that's sulphur" you can hear 4 knocks which we did not hear at the time.
EVP #7 - At :06 you'll hear what sounds like a breath or a growlish sound that was again close to the recorder
EVP #8 - At :14 while the investigators were talking with homeowner John heard what definitely sounds like a door or cabinet being closed which can be heard
EVP #9 - around :16-:17 you'll hear a voice in the background say "hello" which was heard by all 4 investigators but was much clearer on the audio source
EVP #10 - This capture is bizarre because the knocking happens constantly and is accompanied by a finger snap (again) at :22 right before Dustin says "what is that?" hear it
EVP #11 - At :10 you'll hear another finger snap, at :24 a DEFINITE child vocal and at :34 another finger snap. This is a class A EVP which is very hard to come across.
EVP #12 - At :05 while the investigators were discussing hearing voices you can hear a disembodied voice say what sounds like "hey!" which John heard at the time, none of the other investigators did until audio review
EVP #13 - At :09 and :11 there are growling/grunting sounds which were not made by the 4 investigators who were talking. This was near the end of the investigation.
EVP #14 - Listen at :30 you can hear a disembodied moaning sound which was not heard by the investigators in this home
This investigation yielded the most robust crop of EVP's we've EVER captured in one home/location and a significant shadow figure captured on video moving throughout the home with no investigators inside. It's always difficult to determine a "conclusion" because many times (this home included) the home/property/occupants don't display any significant "issues" which would lead to the presence of paranormal activity. In the days since we have performed this investigation, a new female resident in the home has been scratched leaving marks on her shoulder, (we were not present during this event).
Having investigated this home twice it's clear that there is paranormal activity present but the "why" is where we still don't yet have the answers we'd like. We're aware that a ouija board is present in the home but have been told it's been boxed and never used. The home itself has no reports of significant incidents including deaths/accidents. We are considering performing a third investigation here to see if the audio/video evidence collected may provide hints as to why the activity is occurring and what can be done to make it stop. Stay tuned for this one, it continues to be active and we will continue working it until we can help the residents' find peace in their own home.