This was our very first time attempting a live podcast during an active investigation. This was a return visit to a house in Springfield, Missouri where we collected the most EVP's we have ever collected from a single location. Ashley, the homeowner joined us for the first part of the investigation and we started seeing/hearing anomalies right away.
During this investigation, we had our usual investigative equipment setup in addition to that, we had multiple cordless microphones and other broadcast-style equipment set up to capture the podcast. Our worry was the dynamic broadcast quality microphones wouldn't be capable of picking up EVP's due to the fact that they are designed to filter out ambient or environmental noise. We were amazed to discover that although they missed a few, they did capture several and in a couple cases, only the podcast mics caught the EVP's while our digital recorders sat silent.
This was our third trip to this home and each time the audio captures just got crazier! Let's just get right into it....
EVP #1 - Captured by one of our podcast mics during the initial interview with Ashley the homeowner. Chris had just discovered that his digital audio recorder had been stopped and erased and was starting a new track and at :16 you'll hear a disembodied male voice shout in the background
EVP #2 - Here at :05 Dustin and Tyler who were downstairs heard walking on the linoleum floor between them and we had a digital audio recorder placed right in that area which captured the floor creaks across the kitchen floor creaks across the kitchen floor
EVP #3 - Here Dustin was downstairs (Ty was in garage) and Chris & John were upstairs hearing voices. Dustin says "put a recorder in it" referring to the room where the voices were being heard and at :05 on the recorder in the living room you'll hear a female voice whisper "hello"
EVP #4 - Here Chris and JOhn were upstairs where they heard a female voice and were asking for a name. Around :15 you'll hear a response.
EVP #5 - At this point John was upstairs hearing activity and was conducting an EVP session, he says "how old are you?" and at :05 in the background you'll hear what sounds like a child saying "hi".
EVP #6 - Chris and John were upstairs, this recorder was in the right place at the right time. At :04, you'll hear a sound that occurred very close to the recorder which Chris and John responded to. Right after this John saw a shadow figure moving on the wall in the same room very quickly
If you listen to our Dark Matter Podcast, you're familiar with the "sex ghost". For some reason it won't embed, but here is the link to "her" EVP from Ashley's house, just click the button below!