The renter of this residential property in Bolivar, Missouri approached us to conduct an investigation of her 2 story basement home which was once a preacher's rectory where several children were reportedly abused. The homeowner has four children living in the home and all family members have been frightened by the increasing paranormal activity. The homeowner cited claims including shadow figure movement, disembodied voices and whispering, items being moved throughout the home and a wide variety of noises throughout. During our investigation, we experienced multiple personal experiences including shadow movement, quickly moving cold spots and our own items being moved in the home. At one point during the investigation, we
re-entered a room to discover that the children's drawings which had been stacked on shelves were thrown to the floor (windows were closed).
Later in the evening, we set up some materials in one of the home's paranormal hotspots and placed a "rigged" flashlight on the table (where all it took to turn it on was a tap) next to a pack of the home renter's cigarettes (which we had already experienced changing locations earlier in the evening). We pointed a non-rigged, heavy duty flashlight (the kind with the big slider button) in the "on" position pointed toward the cigarettes and as we left, we asked the entity to turn on the flashlight. We were surprised to return to the room to discover that the large flashlight had been moved to the "off" position and we caught this with our camera along with some possible shadow movement which can been seen below. This light was carefully inspected and had fresh batteries and no bulb malfunctions, is still working just fine. All evidence collected can be seen/heard below followed by our conclusions based on this evidence
Homowner claimed that the spirit in this home frequently would scatter/tear up the children's papers and drawings. We spent an hour in this dining area where there was no debris on the floor at all. Later in the evening, we returned to find these papers scattered around the floor (all windows were closed and no a/c or fans running)
EVP #1 - This audio was captured when all investigators took a break outside, we left this recorder on the stairs which lead to upstairs bedrooms. Several seconds after the door closes, you will hear footsteps going up the stairs (and if you li
EVP #2 - This audio was captured in the boys bedroom upstairs. At approximately :10 after investigator says "we'd like to hear you say hi", you will hear unintelligible whispering
EVP #3 - We recorded this audio on a recorder in the upstairs girls' bedroom. At :12, you'll hear our EMF detector start beeping then at :17, a female child says "no!" (sounds like several feet away).
EVP #4 - This piece was also captured in the girls' room upstairs. Chris asks "tell us your name" and you will hear a female child respond either "Emma" or "Anna" or something similar.
EVP #5 - This one was caught while recorder was on the stairs and all investigators were outside. This piece of audio takes place 17 minutes after the home was empty and sounds like either jumping upstairs or very heavy
EVP #6 - This audio was recorded in the main living room/tv area. Chris says "you can't come with us"and at :10 you'll hear a child vocal response
EVP #7 - This was the most perplexing piece of audio weve ever captured and speaks for itself...the voice you hear sounds like a child making a "scaring sound" playfully.
In this video, we had "rigged" a flashlight which could be turned on/off with a tap on the table in view and we asked the entity to turn on the flashlight. What happened instead was that the flashlight we had placed on the table next to the video recorder to illuminate the cigarettes (also placed on the table), a flashlight with slider on/off, went from on position to off position.