The occupants of this home in Springfield, Missouri state claims ranging from seeing shadow figures moving, doors opening/closing, hearing voices to toys turning on/off and moving across the room, reports from the children of being spoken to by an unseen person, footsteps and even one incident where a child was knocked to the ground (with witnesses) by the "invisible man", the child claimed. The TAPS crew investigated this home prior to our investigation and experienced battery drainage which resulted in not capturing the evidence that they experienced; the clients have claimed to hear whistling in the home which the TAPS crew heard with their naked ears, but their equipment was not responding (unfortunately, battery drainage is a normal occurrence in our field and it always seems to happen at the worst possible time).
Property history
The history of this home is uneventful. It is a suburban, one story 4 bed, 2 bath home built in 1958 with no reports on record of any major crimes occurring there. While many of the homes past owners/occupants have passed, none were reported to have died inside the home or on the property. 7 deaths were found that occurred "near" the home, but where talking a 200 foot circle around the home; auto accidents, natural deaths and pedestrians struck by vehicles, so these are most likely not the issue. The unique aspect of this home is that in the 1800's the property where the home sits (and surrounding properties) was claimed by the Kickapoo Native American tribe.
The investigation
More than 22 hours of audio, video and photos were captured during this investigation. Every room in the home was investigated with 7 digital voice recorders, multiple still and video cameras, EMF detectors, laser grid & thermal detectors. Areas of most documented activity included the main hallway, child's bedroom and living room area. We were able to document audio and video evidence which can be seen below. The home was clean and uncluttered with absolutely no disarray or uncleanliness and the physical outlets and major appliances were well insulated from EMF leaks (most, not all as you'll see below). This home felt welcoming, warm and totally non-threatening during the entire investigation, even during times of heightened activity.
We always feels it is important to highlight that "debunking" does NOT equal "not believing" the clients' claims. We actually find a great deal of pleasure out of debunking claims because it can help relieve the clients' fears. With this home, we were able to only debunk a handful of issues. First, we discovered that in the child's bedroom, a tabletop fan sits on the desk in the room and when turned on, it emits abnormally high EMF (20mG) up to 5 feet away from the originating source. EMF levels this high can affect animals, children and those sensitive to EMF resulting in a feeling of paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations, feelings of being touched and overall uneasiness.
While investigating in the children's play area, we also discovered a ceiling fan which emitted very high EMF levels 4 feet downward from the fan motor. There was a hot tub which sits outside the exterior wall of this room and electrical conduit runs along the ceiling of the wall (on the exterior) but projects EMF inside the room which, when combined with the downward EMF from the fan, results in what is typically called a "fear cage" where very high EMF levels are projected from different areas of the room resulting in a mixing effect which can really play with the brain.
Ok, we have to mention this one even though we proved it is not a significant issue...yes, passing cars do create some light shadow play on the interior walls, However, given the home's position, it is very easy to determine when a passing car is the culprit for shadow play.
All audio, video and photo evidence captured at this home is below...
We caught whistling in this video piece which measured at 11 db while our voices were around 40 db. There is a strong possibility that this whistling phenomenon is residual activity rather than intelligent, but we can't be 100% sure, because given that whistling was one of the claims made by the homeowners, we DID ask the entity to whistle for us earlier in the evening. More whistling of the same tune can be heard on this video
EVP #1 - This audio piece was captured when Tyler (a musician) was playing a keyboard in the children's bedroom just to see if that would bring about any significant activity. You'll need to listen a couple of time (preferable with headphones) but at :17, you will definitely hear a whisper
EVP #2 - This next EVP is very compelling and was captured when Chris and Dustin were in the children's bedroom, Dustin was performing this EVP session and said "we want to know why you're scaring kids". Listen to this EVP and see if you agree that the response states "they scare US".
Evidence points to at least one benign entity in the home, the origin of the entity or entities is unknown, but both audio vocals captured emit same db reading which seems to elude to only one presence actually “speaking”. At no point did any Midwest Ghost Hunters investigators feel threatened or intimidated by the entity or entities and direct physical contact was never achieved even upon request (“can you touch one of us?”) and no signs were present of non-human or “demonic” entity; positive for human presence.
While the homeowners practice the religion of Buddhism, they have requested a blessing/cleansing from St. Michael's Cathedral and we provided with the homeowners a list of tips to help curb the activity including: clearly stating the rules of the home (we can provide these basic "rules" to any who are interested as we have found that vocalizing these seem to help a great deal in curbing future activity from attention-seeking entities).