Annie and Mollie are the owners of these businesses which occupy a 150+ year old two story building situated on historic Commercial Street in Springfield, Mo. Upon moving into their new location and performing necessary renovations, the business owners began to experience paranormal activity mainly in the lower level area which is occupied by Bury Me in Black clothing store.
Activity included disembodied voices (usually female), shadow figures, lights flickering in response to questions and objects being moved. Our multiple hour investigation included both the downstairs clothing business and the upstairs day spa Skin Wax Ink. We captured several EVP's (a few of these are the clearest we've ever captured) and the shadow figure video which up to this lucky timing had eluded us throughout the evening. You can see the shadow figure video and all our EVP captures & on-site pics from this active investigation below.
We finally caught a shadow figure we had caught glimpses of several times on this quick video
EVP #1 - This is one of the clearest EVP's we've ever captured. Near the end you can hear a female voice say "I'm in the room"
EVP #2 - You can hear a female loudly say "hi" at the beginning of this clip. Chris and John thought the voice was coming from outside but quickly checked and no one was outdoors at all.
EVP #3 - At around :03 you can hear a muffled voice which we did not hear at the time say "One of you give me some help"
EVP #4 - In this EVP Chris and John are doing EVP sessions from different rooms. When John says "do you want us to leave?" you can hear a vocal response say "yes" which Chris heard.
EVP #5 - At around :05 you can hear a whisper (which was not heard) say "Who is in there?"
EVP #6 - At the beginning of this track you can hear a whisper that sounds like it says "ok" which John heard.
EVP #7 - Here you can hear a fleeting whisper right before John sees shadow figure move through laser grid.