This investigation is a return visit to a duplex in Nixa Missouri which we investigated 2 years ago but collected no evidence.
The Investigation/set-up: 6:54pm
We had several "personal experiences" (which are just that...experiences that were not documented and therefore NOT presented as proof of the "paranormal") right off the bat. We had multiple occasions of hearing movement sounds in the garage area while setting up equipment inside the home, and, at one point, noticed that the lights on the exterior of the home adjacent to the garage (which are controlled by a switch inside the garage itself) had spontaneously turned on twice where the switch was moved to the "on" position both times after being turned off. One investigator went outside so we could determine which garage switches controlled which lights and the investigators inside the garage heard a loud bang on the garage door which was not heard by the investigator right outside the garage door. This activity occurred during equipment set-up and was not documented so it all goes on the record as "unexplained personal accounts/experiences" unfortunately.
4 cameras were rolling inside the home during entire investigation focusing on "hot spots" with one in the garage and audio recorders were placed in every room (6 in all including the garage/attic). EMF detectors demonstrated no unusual hits inside the home and Frank's box was utilized in the living room with no positive hits.
"Debunked” claims
The claims from this home involve overall feelings of uneasiness/oppression by all family members (2 parents and 3 daughters ranging from ages 5 - 17), sounds of running through the hallway, whispering, shadow figures, overwhelming unpleasant thoughts of harming themselves/others and the garage door raising on its' own. We weren't able to successfully debunk any of the claims except for possibly the shadow figure movement as a result of a bathroom mirror and angles which throw a shadow onto an unsuspecting wall seconds after passing through the hallway with the bathroom door open. Given that this home is a duplex, there are sounds that originate in the adjoining duplex, but those sounds are easily traceable to that area. We did notice a delayed recoil in the floor boards where they pop/squeak several seconds after being compressed which may give the impression of footsteps. All investigators actually felt comfortable inside the home, but heavy and uneasy in the garage which led us to open the attic access to place recording equipment.
All EVP evidence collected is below...
EVP #1 - came from a recorder in the garage when no investigators were present; beginning around :10, you will hear a whisper/voice saying what sounds to us like "let me out".
EVP #2 - came from the recorder placed inside the attic which is accessed from the garage with a pull-down ladder. At around :35 a sound was captured on the attic recorder which sounds like a long-lasting,
Our role is to, as scientifically as possible, document any/all evidence and present it to our clients. We are not in the business of ghost-busting or providing spiritual prayer/cleansing methods, but we do have resources that specialize in this. We determined that there does seem to be at least one presence in the home, BUT it did not behave in an aggressive way that would lead us to believe it may be what we refer to as a "non-human entity". For example, "it" only responded when we were out of the room(s) and was never aggressive towards us; was more reclusive where the spiritual counterparts are MUCH more aggressive. We have referred this case back to the Reverend at the family's request, so he can perform his rite on the entire property. Advice we provided to these clients included cleaning up the garage area and creating systems of organization which have been shown to repel spirits who crave chaos. Other advice was provided but due to its' personal nature is not included on this synopsis.