The Investigation
The admin of this nursing home asked for anonymity regarding the location due to the fact that it is an operating business with many residents. The staff of the nursing home have experienced shadow anomalies on the security camera, vocals, electrical oddities in a room where a patient recently died and lots of encounters in the facility dining room. Our investigation which occurred in March 2024 covered all of the areas of the home and the evidence we collected can be seen/heard below.
Here, we are using a REM-pod in the kitchen using the trigger name "Noelle" which was provided to us by the facility. Noelle loved the song Que Sara Sara so we were using that song as a reward item for interacting with the device. It's very rare for the thermal sensor and the contact sensor to go off at the same time. And it's important to keep in mind that the REM-pod requires physically touching the device before it will alarm and as you can see none of us were near.
Also in the kitchen we were using small touch sensitive spheres that light up when something contacts them. Again we asked Noelle to touch one of the devices we had placed in the kitchen and again got a physical response. These spherical devices are not triggered by motion or vibration, they require physical contact to light.
EVP #1 - This was captured during initial setup. At the end of this track theres an audible squawk/yell as we were setting recorders up which we did not hear at the time.
EVP #2 - This EVP was captured and heard by Dustin. Melissa asks Chris how many contact spheres he wants to take and he responds "three" and a whisper can be heard repeating "three" right after which Dustin heard.
EVP #3 - This track was captured by a recorder on the floor between the kitchen and hallway at a nursing home. There is a strange grunting sound that can be heard which was very close to the recorder which we can't explain.
EVP #4 - We have been unable to explain this odd EVP which captures what sounds like a whistle of some type. But Hunter made mention on-site of hearing this at a different point in the night and being unable to detect where it was coming from.
EVP #5 - Dustin was able to get interaction with the REMpod on command in this EVP.
EVP #6 - This whispering is both unintelligible and although it sounds aggressive or scary, you can't put a lot of stock into the actual "sound" of vocals which have manifested. But this one is kind of long and intimidating.
EVP #7 - This is where Chris heard a knocking coming from the freezer area. The area was investigated, nothing had fallen over or appeared to be shifted on the shelves. All we saw were pans of cupcakes prepared for the next day
EVP #8 - This was the one EVP we captured in the vacant room where a resident had recently passed away and where staff said the nurse call light goes off on its own accompanied by a feeling of being watched when inside the room. You can hear what sounds like a distant vocal in the background