The residents of this home in Republic, Mo report paranormal activity which includes audible voices, objects moving, shadow figures. smells and the residents feel that the entity or entities are preoccupied with the granddaughters who live in the home.
Property History
This home sits inside (according to older maps) the defined Wilson's Creek Civil War zone. This is a single family home built in 1984 with 4 bedrooms (including modified garage), 1 full bath on a 0.25 acre lot with 1,430 square feet of living space. Aside from this home sitting inside the civil war battlefield grounds, it's important to note that the homeowners are installing water features/swimming area in backyard which has involved extensive digging revealing very large deposits of limestone (which is known to be a storage unit for paranormal residual activity; read more about the theories surrounding limestone and other minerals HERE).
The Investigation
More than 16 hours of evidence was collected via 5 DVR (digitial voice recorders), still and video cams, EMF detectors and trigger objects. Most evidence was collected in the girls' bedrooms and the master bedroom and at one point investigators smelled the distinct smell of tobacco smoke which is only important as none of the residents are smokers.
This investigation was unique in that the claims are all very physical/audible in nature and we had very little luck in performing our usual debunking methods. The road which this home sits on has very little traffic, so only minimal light play was observed with the occasional passing car. We were also surprised at how well the home is insulated from EMF. Even the usual suspects such as microwave ovens and ceiling fans didn't register above normal levels. The only high level EMF detected was recorded in the stand-up tanning bed which sits in what is now the modified master bedroom, formerly a garage and even with that appliance, the EMF levels did not radiate outward or upward as we predicted they would. The only debunking we were able to perform at all was the "matrixing" of possible vocal sounds associated with the white noise created by the tanning bed motor/generator in the master bedroom.
EVP Evidence
Our first EVP was captured in one of the granddaughters bedrooms. Ty and Ben were performing an EVP session in this room, Dustin and Chris were in the room across the hallway and we had bedroom doors closed to reduce cross contamination. Ben begins jokingly referring to the very famous Zozo "demon" and at :50, you can hear a clear, class A evp vocal say "stop". Immediately after, you can hear Dustin and Chris in the bedroom across the hall react to the fact that their latched bedroom door spontaneously opened by itself. The adolescent girls/granddaughters who live in the home refer to the entity as "Fungus" by name which you will hear the investigators refer to.
The second EVP capture came with Dustin and Chris in the bedroom across the hall (later in the evening). You will hear the inaudible voice followed by Dustin and Chris's reactions to hearing this vocal with the naked ear.
The third EVP collected occurred concurrently to a figurine being moved from a prominent display space on the mirror/chest of drawers to being haphazardly "thrown" into the doorway of the room (you can see our initial photos taken pre-investigation showing the figure on display v. the "after" pics which show it is no longer present). During this time, we poured over audio to hear the sound of something being thrown, but were surprised to hear the sound of casual whistling instead (we've since, post-investigation, learned that hearing whistling is also a claim of the residents).
This EVP is not really an EVP at all, just audio of the investigators reactions when surprised by a large fan falling over and breaking from the position it has safely and securely sat in for months. Prior to this event, we had asked the spirit to "scare us" or to "make a noise". You will hear Chris say "let's go out for a minute" right after the incident in question as he was the one prodding for a "sound" and, again, we were working in the dark/had no clue what just occurred.
All audio evidence captured at this home is below...
EVP #1 - at :50, you can hear a clear, class A evp vocal say "stop
EVP #2 - The second EVP capture came with Dustin and Chris in the bedroom across the hall (later in the evening). You will hear the inaudible voice followed by Dustin and Chris's reactions to hearing this vocal with the naked ear
EVP #3 - You can hear the very clear whistling audio here
EVP #4 - we had asked the spirit to "scare us" or to "make a noise". The result covered both! Hear the "fan" audio here
We were asked to return to this home for another investigation 10 years later. Which we did. Marking the longest amount of time ever for us between investigating the same area. We will repost the synopsis from that night soon!