The owners of this home in Southwest Mo asked us to perform an investigation of their walkout basement home. There are 4 adult residents and one 2 year old child currently living in this rural home. Every member of the family and even guests have reported seeing, hearing or in some cases even feeling the entity who shares the home with this family. Claims include hearing breathing, growling, knocking, & footsteps and many have even seen the shadowy figure moving through the home or standing at the foot of the bed. This presence has shown a particular interest in frightening the young child who lives in the home which is why we made performing this investigation a priority. It's important to note that the homeowners have been remodeling the interior of the home and while digging a swimming pool in the backyard, discovered an unidentified artifact which some had incorrectly told them may be a stone cannonball. This stone artifact was placed in the middle of the upstairs living room for the entirety of the investigation and was discovered to be a Native American grinding tool.
The first EVP was captured in the basement of the home. Chris can be heard saying "where can I put this?" and the recorder is placed on the arm of the sofa. Chris then says "say your name....say ANYTHING". At this point, you can hear a voice whisper "anything" followed by a full sentence that has been debated among several of our "ally" groups, but with no final determination. At the end of this recording, you can hear breathing (we have video confirmation that no investigators were near the recorder at this time). This audio was not picked up by video recorder. You can hear the EVP below.
Several hours into the investigation, all team members took a break and exited the home. We left the artifact described above in the middle of the living room floor, placed a flashlight (with slider on/off) on a baby high chair with audio recorder next to it. We asked the entity to make itself known during our recess either by turning on the flashlight, speaking into the recorder or by appearing on the video cam. When we returned inside 17 minutes later, the flashlight had been turned into the "on" position and the camera in the room had been switched to the "off" position and laid over on its face (this was a chunky cam that wouldn't just "fall" over on its own, we tried!). Upon evidence review we discovered this EVP (posted below) which clearly states "go home" followed by a sound which we
can't explain. The homeowners stated it sounded like the child's toy vacuum cleaner being turned on (child's toys turning on spontaneously was also a claim). Upon returning to the downstair area, we discovered that this camera had also been turned into the "off" position. Check out the EVP's below
EVP #1 - This audio was captured in the Willard, Mo residence. Investigator says "say your name...say ANYTHING" you can then hear a whispered "anything" followed by unintelligle speech then definite breathing
EVP #2 - captured in the private Willard, Mo residence while no investigators were in the home for 17 minutes. At the time this audio was recorded, our flashlight was turned on and our camera was turned off and placed face down. The sound following "go home" is still unidentified and a mystery.
That concluded our first visit to this home and for a while things settled down. However the tale of this home is just beginning and gets much MUCH worse. You can proceed to visit number 2 below!
For several weeks after our first investigation of this private home in Willard, Missouri, all paranormal activity fell silent. However, it quickly ramped back up and to the residents, seemed "different" than before. We were asked to perform another thorough investigation of this home to see what was going on.
As a refresher, there are now 3 adult residents of the home (one of the adult children moved out due to the activity) and a 2 year old female child. Unlike paranormal claims before of knocking and catching glimpses of shadow figures, this time the homeowners say the entity is very aggressive and walks right up to them. There had even been full bodied apparitions (in full color) seen. The young child has been seen sitting near her closet doors answering questions (the questions cannot be heard) and has become increasingly apprehensive about sleeping in her own bedroom, which is believed to be the center of activity. At one point, the presence essentially chased the homeowners out of the home by assaulting a barrage of noises behind them until they left.
During our investigation, one of the most intriguing and annoying issues we ran into constantly was that whenever we would leave a room, our video camera would be turned into the "off" position. This happened almost 2 dozen times, 100% of the time. Minutes after we would leave a fully charged camera with full memory card running in an empty room, we would return with it in the 'off' position; there were no exceptions. That being said, our video captures became difficult, but we did manage to catch a couple that occured when we were investigation near the cams (they wouldn't turn off until we left the room[s])
We were prepared for an investigation similar to our last visit to this home, but were quite surprised how different our experience was this time. After reviewing our evidence, be sure to read our conclusion of personal experiences at the end because this investigation ended with us being frantically chased out of the home in a terrifying moment.
This was one of the first home investigations we have performed where we actually felt that "thick air" feeling and just a very strong overall feeling of being unwanted. Our first visit to this home was just the opposite. That overall feeling actually became stronger and stronger as the night progressed (especially when we were upstairs in child's bedroom). We started out investigating in the basement.
Our EMF meter was placed on the pool table and suddenly was violently knocked off into the floor about 12 feet away as we all stood there. This is the terrifying audio we captured at that moment (but did not hear at the time).
While in the basement, we had placed an audio recorder near the top step of the stairs which lead to upstairs living area (separated by a door). After several attempts at asking the entity to "make some noise" or "walk around" this recorder captured definite footsteps
We eventually moved the investigation upstairs to the child's bedroom and while asking EVP questions, John freaks out a bit saying that something breathed into his left ear (breathing in ear/face was one of the claims). At :27 theres another growl
Minutes after the "breathing" incident, Chris was standing in the doorway of the bedroom and at :06, you can hear the door push into Chris who then also freaks out and all investigators exit the home then at :30, you can clearly hear the closet door slide back closed while the home was 100% empty.
We placed an audio recorder in the main living room and captured this evp of what sounds like ice cream truck or music box sounds. There were no toys that made these sounds and no music boxes nearby.
The below video was shot in the main living area of the 8:47, there is a strange blue light that temporarily illuminates the room. There were no investigators/flashlights near when this was recorded and cannot categorize it as "paranormal" but it falls into the unexplained category (no cars/headlights passed by the residence during the investigation....VERY rural home). You will have to forward the video to this point as we didn't want to "edit" the video since it is still up to interpretation.
At 9:36, Chris and Dustin are talking about the smell of smoke. Chris says "I smell smoke, is that what you mean?" you'll then hear another voice whisper "yeah" or something similar. THIS voice sounds exactly like the vocal responses we caught during our last investigation of this home so we're not sure if maybe the initial entity has been overcome by a possible new one (because the other, "new" voices we captured were all consistently the same and NOT like this one). It was almost like the "old" entity was answering the question "yes, you are experiencing something different" but not in so many words. It's up for interpretation.
In this same video at 11:45 you will see the computer in the corner of the room turn on/off 3 times (last time at 14:23). We checked the computer and there is no timer or motion sensor on it. All investigators were at least 20 feet away from the computer when this occurred, which is also one of the claims by the homeowners.
It's important to note that we don't exit an area "just because" there is paranormal activity. In the above instances, we left mainly due to the very, VERY heavy air in the home and an overall sense of not being wanted in the area at all. At one point, Chris told the other investigators "If were going back to the girl's room, you may have to force me back in there" this was before the door-closing incident.
When we were getting ready to wrap the investigation, we were overcome with the negative feeling in the home (it was honestly a heaviness we had never experienced) and as we were gathering our equipment from back to front (John, our photo/video guy, was already outside doing inventory of his equipment), Dustin and Chris (the only two investigators left inside) started hearing crashing noises coming up the hallway like someone was kicking/banging pots and pans and advancing towards us. We started moving very quickly at this point and right about the time we got to the kitchen area, we both heard a very loud voice speak (what was said was up to interpretation given the scene playing out, but Chris believes he clearly heard the phrase "where ya going?"). Both Chris and Dustin acknowledged the fact that a voice had spoken and moved even quicker as the sounds were advancing and getting louder.
Once outside, we felt like we had had enough of whatever game this entity was playing and decided as a group to end the investigation, conduct our evidence review and depending on the results, contact St. Michael's to perform a cleansing at homeowners request. To be 100% honest, we're not sure what is going on in this home now, but we do know that it has taken on a much different personality and is not afraid to make its' presence known. We have never been "chased out" of an investigation, ever. But this one did not want us there and relayed that message in a way that was strong enough for us to respond by getting out.
UPDATE: 2 weeks after we completed this investigation at 2:17am this house mysteriously burned to the ground. The Fire Marshall was unable to determine a cause as it was winter and there was no lightning and no electrical issues and the homeowners had to escape by jumping out the second story bedroom windows. The pictures are below; the homeowners moved to Springfield, Mo and the tale continues as we investigated that home too. It's on the next page