Upon their home burning down in Willard, we again, were contacted by our friends (formerly of Willard). They had moved to a home in Springfield, Mo and after several weeks began having similar experiences as they had at their Willard home. When we started this investigation, the home felt organized/uncluttered and comfortable. As night progressed, the atmosphere changed...we've been at
this long enough to recognize the atmospheric shift; when the air gets heavier and the "being watched" feeling sets in. It became obvious, given our past history with this family, why they had every wall covered with religious symbols. Shortly before our arrival, Deb, one of the homeowners, was scratched (again) on her right arm.
Later in the evening, after conducting evp sessions in every room of the house, including the attic, we returned to bedrooms and realized that the pregnant figurine had been moved 5-7" forward (up and over a coaster which was sitting in front of it). We documented this by attempting to photograph it from same angle as original and moved on. Several hours later, we checked in on the statue again and it has been turned almost 180 degrees. None of our investigators were ever alone at any point during this investigation (partly due to our rocky relationship with their entity in Willard, but mostly to prevent contamination of evidence due to the small space and open flooring plan of the home). You can see that statue's progression below.
At this point we took a break outside for 8 minutes (with cameras/recorders still rolling inside). Upon our return, we conducted another EVP session in main living area where several pics were taken of Dustin asking questions. We got some interesting play with turning on/off a flashlight, but not overwhelming enough to include. We then moved on, again, to bedroom areas then later returned to main living room to see that 4 batteries, which had been placed in a camera bag which was on the floor hours earlier when we do our usual replacement of the batteries in ALL devices, had been removed and arranged on the floor. Upon photo review, we discovered that this apparently occurred during the EVP session, but due to total darkness, we weren't aware (you can see a clear floor in front of Dustin, then less than a minute later, the next pic clearly shows the batteries scattered on the floor) and this pic can be seen right HERE. We heard nothing and recorders picked up not a peep but the photos are time stamped only 1 minute apart and you can see Dustin's position has barely changed at all.
While in the attic (which, admittedly, had a creepy, heavy feel), we discovered artificial flowers scattered around the insulation in the attic. The residents claim that NONE of them have ever entered the attic since moving into the home, but did state that the previous owner was a practicing catholic priest. A recorder was placed in the attic and left for the entirety of the investigation. The pic of the flowers in the attic is HERE and we're not saying it's paranormal, just saying it's weird (who knows, previous owner may have just dumped them so he'd have a box to use for moving....now way to know).
EVP #1 - We conducted a lengthy EVP session (at this time, with all investigators in bedrooms, our recorder in the living room captured this EVP which seems to be coming from the kitchen area). The homeowners have said they hear heavy bootsteps quite frequently.
EVP #2 - Back on the main level we conducted an EVP session in main living room. We asked entity to "knock" and recorded a
disembodied voice which states "____ ______ the wall" which can be heard here
EVP # 3 - This was discovered after investigation concluded and is the SAME voice of "Walter" which was recorded at the Willard home, which warned us of "fire", which later made sense when the home spontaneously burned to the ground. See if the voice sounds the same to you....
EVP # 4 - Later in the evening, we took another break outside with cams/recorders rolling (we can be heard exiting the home) and seconds later, a speaking toy was activated in the main living area; the SAME toy which the homeowners claim says "hello", "goodbye" and "I see you" on cue.